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Monday, 11 June 2012

Nigerian Pop star and representative at BBA Goldie looks terrible without the Makeups.

Women look beautiful with makeups, that's a fact. And there are some that are naturally beautiful too, although you can find that naturally beautiful girl in 1 out of 100,000,000 of them. But What am here to discuss today is that there are some side effects from these products used to beautify the body as it is clearly shown on  sexy pop diva,Susan Abimbola Filani-Harvey a.k.a Goldie face at the Big brother star reality game show(below)
Because of the marketing power from the advertising media, Women are seduced into using makeup as teens. It affects their body's ever changing chemistry and becomes a vicious, self destructive, self loathing cycle that ends up making some of them look old and ugly on the inside and out. 
It can be compared to using synthetic oil in your car, once you start you can never stop or it will ruin your engine. Maybe am wrong, But there are pictures from the reality tv show that backs up my theory above. See below.

Bottom line, ladies, Using these beauty enhancers would do a lot of damage in the end, Being natural is beautiful, Be proud of WhatGod gave  you and stop being artificial. I bet many girls with artificial coverings would even look worst than this photo.This brings us to another argument ,that men are more pretty than women because almost all the women you see today are fake. Fake hair, fake nails, fake busts, fake but, fake smiles, fake everything.


  1. You are so totally ignorant you confuse yourself. On the one hand you call her ugly without makeup and on the other you ask women to be themselves and not wear makeup. Shut the fuck up

    1. It appears you didn't get the story line well. ""Because of the marketing power from the advertising media, Women are seduced into using makeup as teens. It affects their body's ever changing chemistry and becomes a vicious, self destructive, self loathing cycle that ends up making some of them look old and ugly on the inside and out'' It can only be inferred that Goldie used these artificial beauty products and this is the result after some time.

    2. Ok maybe I was a bit harsh and I apologize but I disagree that women enhancing themselves with makeup should be ridiculed. We all do it to some extent.

  2. Wahala dey o, if she see this post she go swear o


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